
Showing posts from February, 2021

Notes on frames and framing effects: A short glossary with examples

My notes on the terminology in the framing literature, with recommended readings in political science and psychology. Some terms that will be covered: framing in communication, framing in thought, the framing effect, agenda-setting, priming, persuasion, emphasis or issue framing effects, equivalency framing effects, risky choice framing, attribute framing, goal framing, context framing.  Please note that there's a debate in the literature on the distinctions between these terms  –  the definitions I've chosen to present might not be universally accepted. Let me know if you spot any errors. Photo by  Jackie Hope  on  Unsplash . Framing in communication what the speaker says "The words, images, phrases, and presentation styles that a speaker uses when relaying information to another" (Druckman, 2001, p. 227). "The frame that the speaker chooses may reveal what the speaker sees as relevant to the topic at hand" (Druckman, 2001, p. 227) or the impact they want